


Introduction. At present, Ukraine has intensified its efforts to bring the technical regulation system closer to the requirements of the EU. But these efforts mainly concern the formation of a system of technical regulation in general, regardless of the livestock sector. The problem of the livestock products safety remains extremely acute for Ukraine. Its scale in the context of the formation of a free trade zone with the EU is only increasing. This requires substantiation of decisions regarding the formation of the newest components of the state regulation and control system in the field of livestock products safety. These components should be adequate to modern European requirements.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the components of the newest state regulation and control system in the field of livestock products safety, as well as substantiation of tools for improving the efficiency of their functioning.

Results. The signs of certain archaism of the Ukrainian system of state regulation and control (supervision) in the field of safety are revealed. By 2015, it was oriented towards the principles of command and administrative economy. The newest tendencies and system tools for improving the domestic control system in order to harmonize it with the European one are outlined. These trends contribute to the development of a process or integrated approach to ensuring the safety of livestock products. The newest system of state control contains separate elements that guarantee the clarity and unambiguousness in determining the responsibility of market operators for violating the requirements of safety legislation.

Originality. The conceptual bases of risk assessment in the activity of livestock production market operators (risks of processes and capacities) are offered. Such an assessment is the basis for determining the frequency of inspections and contributes to avoiding corruption and excessive pressure from the controlling authorities. In contrast to the ones already developed and used, the provisions of the author's approach provide for the implementation of the principle of effective motivation for the increase of value added. This principle is to generate incentives for priority investment in the production, processing and processing of livestock products. That is, investment in sectors generating a high share of value added and ensuring the sustained food security of the state is encouraged.

Conclusion. It is important to ensure the proper implementation of new requirements for the livestock products safety. After all, the very harmonization of legislation is not enough. This primarily concerns professional inspection and laboratory services - an important component of state control (supervision). There is a need to promote technical accreditation and accreditation by foreign accreditation bodies of a number of testing laboratories. Otherwise, it is technically impossible to ensure effective state control of the livestock products safety and quality. It is advisable to introduce effective mechanisms of HACCP audit. It is the basis of the modern system of control in the field of production and circulation of livestock products. The indicated mechanisms should be based on risk assessment in order to avoid the threat of corrupt actions by the controlling bodies and excessive pressure on the livestock producers market.




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