


Introduction. Ensuring the quality of the training of graduates of higher educational institutions corresponds to the economy’s and society’s demands needs to improve the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions. It foresees the strengthening of the practice-oriented content of curricula in order to balance of the labor market needs and the possibilities of developing a system of education. That’s why it is necessary to study of problems and perspectives of the schooling of competitive professional by the system of higher education, determining the directions of the improvement of its activity.

Methods. Methods of scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, logical analysis, statistical methods have been used for research of problem of the schooling of competitive professional by the system of higher education

Results. The main problems and perspectives of training of competitive specialists by the system of higher education are investigated. The factors that complicate preparation of competitive specialists by the system of higher education are determined. The reasons of the imbalance of the training structure of specialists with higher education with the needs of the economy are analyzed. The phenomenon of excessive qualification (non-matching of qualification levels of the workplace and labor force) was investigated. The main directions of the improvement of schooling of competitive professionals by the system of higher education based on innovation changes are offered.

Originality. Mismatching the qualification levels of the workplace and the labour force (the phenomenon of overqualification) was analyzed as a result of a low quality of jobs, inconsistency of education quality with the requirements of employers.

Conclusion. The main directions of the improvement of schooling of competitive professionals by the system of higher education taking into account the influence of innovation changes were proposed, especially:

- improvement of the regulatory and legal framework of the state youth policy in order to promote productive employment of youth;

- development of a proposal for modernization of the toolkit for conducting monitoring studies on the job placement of graduates of higher educational institutions in the framework of implementation of measures for the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework;

- intensification of the process of introducing innovative technologies and modern forms of organization of the schooling process (distance education, open online courses);

- encouraging social partners to develop curricula; preparation of educational standards;

- stimulating the development of public-private partnership, developing mechanisms for multi-channel financing of educational institutions (endowment);

- systematic review and updating of the list of occupations under which training is being conducted, in accordance with the needs of economic development; development of methodological bases for forecasting the needs of the economy in the labor force by occupation and types of economic activity.




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