


Introduction. The Ukrainian economy entered the phase of accelerated pace of reforming. However, the dynamic progress of positive social transformations is hampered by the Russian military aggression and, by its provocation, the economic crisis. Under such conditions, the problem of uncompromising state protection of food interests of the citizens is of particular relevance.

The purpose of the article is to find out the state of satisfaction of food needs of the Ukrainian population and to identify the most important factors that prevent it.

Writing the article, such research methods were used as abstract and logical method, empirical method, method of statistical series, averaging method, com-parison method, etc.

Originality. The analysis made it possible to establish that food interests of the popula-tion of the country are violated. Among the indicators used to analyze the state of food supply it is the critical situation with the economic food availability and its qualitative and safe characteristics.

Conclusions: 1) Despite the positive changes in the indicator “economic food availability” for the poor, in Ukraine, the process of forming the middle class is slowed down. This is evidenced by the excess of the average share of costs for purchasing food (40%); 2) The most vulnerable categories of the population regarding the violation of their food interests are minors and incapacitated members of households. Rep-resentatives of these groups do not have a significant amount of valuable food; 3) At the official level, there was a revision of consumption standards of main food products in Ukraine towards its decreasing. Concerning many valuable food products, the new standard is adjusted to the actual state of their consump-tion; 4) It is found that in Ukraine, with its colder winters the energy value of the average daily diet should be more caloric, comparing the diet of the Ukrainians and residents of the southern EU countries: 5) The population of the country in 2016 did not receive at least 190.6 bil-lion UAH. This was a major obstacle to the full satisfaction of its economic, above all, food interests; 6) The Ukrainian food market is full of low-quality and dangerous products, including imported products. Among the main reasons for this are: 6.1) moratorium on business verification; 6.2) Peculiarities of the national legislation in the field of supervision over quality and safety of food, namely, possibility of checking the enterprise only on the fact of harm to the consumer; need to warn the company about the upcoming inspection.




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