


Introduction. The priorities of the development of Ukraine’s separate regions are considered taking into account the newest factors of the economy’s functioning. The role of historical preconditions, globalization and regionalization of social life, scientific and technological revolution, the specialization of individual regions in the clustering of business networks is specified. Migration threats that limit the potential of innovative development of individual regions are outlined. The importance of foresight of certain types of economic activity in the formation of a new look of regions is emphasized.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the role of modern IT clusters and cluster strategies in providing foresight of Ukraine's economy at the regional level.

Method of theoretical analyses is used.

Results The modern perspectives of the clustering of the domestic IT industry network in the context of integrating a cluster model into the overall economic course of the country and the internationalization of cluster initiatives are overviewed. The comparison of the readiness of regional IT clusters of Ukraine to a new role within the framework of the development of the National Strategy for Cluster Development, which, taking into account the experience of European countries, should reflect the key principles of their creation and development, as well as the definition of subjects of the state cluster policy is carried out. On the basis of content analysis of the site information, the chances of Lviv IT cluster’s entry into the program “Internationalization of Clusters of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”, implemented under the COSME program (European Small and Medium-sized Business Support Program), which Ukraine joined in 2016, are demonstrated.

Originality. This article makes it possible for readers to be aware of the tricks of Ukrainian problems in the field of regional IT clusters, as well as the development possibility of a state taking into account contemporary changes of the civilization.

Conclusion. At present, the domestic IT sector demonstrates the territorial asymmetry of development. At the same time, in recent years, actively liquidates organizational, institutional and other gaps in the body of the nation-wide network of objects of the IT industry. An especially promising breakthrough in the region's economy is the Lviv IT cluster, which is actively moving towards achieving all eight criteria of the European integration component of state target programs. These issues should be focused on the formation of a new strategy for the region's development for the coming years - an organic component of the true foresight of the national economy of Ukraine.




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