


Introduction. The generally accepted method of counteracting the negative effects of uncertainty is the formation of an effective system of strategic planning and use of a complex of strategic management tools at the enterprise. Problems of strategic development are particularly relevant for modern entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

Purpose. The purpose of this scientific work is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations for the effective management of strategic development of the enterprise in modern economic conditions.

Methods. Theoretical analyze.

Results. In the scientific work the priority directions of improvement of the state policy concerning regulation of activity of large, small and medium enterprises of different forms of ownership are considered. The main priorities of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine are determined on the basis of the recommendations of the European Commission in the context of the Europe 2020 project. The scientific essence of strategic enterprise management is disclosed.

Originality. The main elements of strategic planning of the organization are defined. The main stages of development of enterprise development strategy are analyzed. The main characteristics of management processes and self-management in the organization are investigated. The main differences between the management and the enterprise are determined. The principles of self-management in the organization are defined.

Conclusion. The study of theoretical approaches to the management of strategic development of the enterprise on the basis of the formation of the correspondence between the processes of management and self-management in the organization, which are presented in the article, showed that in the scientific literature this issue is given very little attention.

The main tool for achieving strategic benchmarks is the strategy chosen by the strategic positioning and analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise. Taking into account that the problem of the mutual positioning of the enterprise and the market is solved by the scientists, the complexity with the justification of the choice of competitive strategies of enterprise development is significantly reduced.




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