


Introduction. Nowadays exists a need to systematize available methodological approaches to enterprise development management, as far as this problem remains insufficiently researched. At the same time, in circumstances of market relations dynamic development, one of the main factors of domestic enterprises competitiveness in the long-term perspective, is existence of an effective management system oriented on development of the economic system.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to synthesize existing methodological approaches to enterprise management through the prism of its development.

Methods. The research was conducted using such methods of scientific cognition as synthesis, analysis, systematization and generalization.

Results. Obtained results can be used for the purpose of designing practically oriented management system for the development of a particular enterprise, taking into account specifics of its functioning.

Originality. Scientific findings regarding identified issues are fragmentary, concentrating on one or several certain approaches; At the same time author's research is of all-inclusive generalizing nature, highlighting and characterizing all existing management paradigms from the perspective of ensuring development of an enterprise.

Conclusion. Conducted research made it possible to formulate following important conclusions: methodological approaches to the management of enterprise development, in modern circumstances, are usually used jointly in different proportions and combinations. This situation happens due to rapid changes in the market environment, on the one hand, and internal functional complexity of the enterprise, on the other.




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