
Oleksandr YATSENKO


Introduction. The development of the business environment of the regions in modern conditions is impossible without implementing the strategy of raising the level of education and business culture. The transition of the economy to the innovative way requires a real basis, which allows to provide a strategy for innovation development. At present, the processes of developing an innovative economy are constrained by the problems of financing science; modernization of the base of scientific laboratories and institutes; preparation of innovatively active and innovative susceptible specialists; Lack of scientific and technical support of the educational process; lack of innovative business susceptibility and low financial capacity; insufficient innovative infrastructure of the regions.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the level of education and business culture on the development of business environment in Ukraine's regions.

Methods. The theory and methodology of the dissertation are based on the fundamental works of domestic and foreign economists in the field of regional economy, the allocation of productive forces, the theory of integration.

Results. The results of the study will enable the development and implementation of policies at both regional and national levels, corresponding to the specific characteristics of each territory or region.

Originality. The objective reasons for insufficient improvement of the educational process and improvement of the quality of businessman's training are considered.

Conclusion. The development of the business environment of the regions in modern conditions is impossible without implementing the strategy of raising the level of education and business culture. At present, the processes of developing an innovative economy are constrained by the problems of financing science; modernization of the base of scientific laboratories and institutes; preparation of innovatively active and innovative susceptible specialists; Lack of scientific and technical support of the educational process; lack of innovative business susceptibility and low financial capacity; insufficient innovative infrastructure of the regions. In this regard, the integration links of science, education and production, the formation of spatially localized innovation subsystems of the region become objectively necessary. Development of the theory, methodology and practice of innovative development of regions management, integration of science, education and production of not only individual regions, but also cross-border territories is an urgent problem.




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