The optimal activity of the enterprise with effective financial accounting receivables


V. O. Shpylova
N. V. Andrushkevych


The article describes how an effective working capital management affects the security of the enterprise cash resources; calculation target limit of receivables and criteria by which to assess customers to determine the permissible level of such debt. Proved the means of calculating the income that the company receives from each customer, and how does deferred payment on the level of such income. Defined advantage of factoring as modern forms of integration of banking operations and management of accounts receivable. The authors investigated the concept of "cession", and the differences between the assignment agreement and the factoring agreement. Researched legal form and taxation of factoring operations, on the basis of which found the legislative gaps and the example of judicial practice.




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Господарський кодекс України від 16.01. 2003 р. № 436-IV.

Цивільний кодекс України від 16.01.2003 р. № 435-IV.

ПКУ – Податковий кодекс України від 02.12 2010 р. № 2755 – VІ.

Попов Ю. Факторинг: законодавство України та світовий досвід. Доступно: