


Introduction. At the present stage of development, the economy of the regions of Ukraine is prone to significant changes due to the processes of globalization, the deepening of the international division of labor, increased openness of economies, the growth of the role of innovation and technology, human capital and information, aspiration for innovation development. Business incubation is one of the infrastructural mechanisms of entrepreneurship support, designed for the long-term period. Business incubators help create and grow small and medium-sized businesses.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of functioning of business incubators within the framework of the state regional policy.

Methods - theoretical analysis, generalization, graphic method.

Results. The article highlights the problems of business incubation in the context of formation and development of business space of regions of Ukraine on the basis of characteristic features: personnel, functional, financial, normative and theoretical and methodological and their characteristics. The state and prospects of development of noncommercial business incubators are investigated. The benefits for the region from creating non-profit business incubators that play an important role in the development and improvement of small and medium-sized businesses are presented. The issue of the legislative framework for the functioning of business incubators was investigated and the problems were identified. The concept of business incubation in Ukraine is considered on the principles of improving the regional policy of supporting small and medium business.

Originality. The concept of business incubation in Ukraine is proposed on the basis of improvement of the regional policy of supporting small and medium business. The main issues of business incubation in the regional space of Ukraine are revealed.

Conclusion. Thus, the domestic experience of business incubation was considered. The peculiarities of the process of this process were revealed, the existing problems that impede the stable and efficient functioning of the business incubator structure, which need to be solved both at the state level and at the level of management of the business incubators, are noted.

Studying and using the international experience of business incubation taking into account the peculiarities of the economic and political situation in Ukraine can play an important role in the establishment and improvement of small and medium-sized enterprises, improvement of measures and priorities of regional policy, the formation and functioning of a civilized market economy system of our state.




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