
Olexandеr LYSYI
Lyudmila TONKYH


Introduction. The modern role of investment attractiveness of marine ports in Ukraine is revealed. The strategic directions of the development of the marine ports of Ukraine are outlined: increasing the competitiveness of the port industry through improved cargo handling; modernization and development of objects of the port infrastructure of general use, in particular automobile and railway access roads; provision of effective state regulation of specialized services provided in the seaport by natural monopolies and services, the fee for which is included in the port dues; improvement of the document circulation system, simplification of permitting procedures, reduction of cargo handling time; creation of conditions for the development of fair competition between the seaports of our country and others.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of investment attractiveness of seaports for improving the economic situation in Ukraine.

Methods. The main directions of state regulation of inflow of investments for the growth of the economy as a whole are determined.

Results. These are the existing positive aspects of the investment attractiveness of seaports.

Originality. The main directions of increase of investment attractiveness of marine ports in Ukraine are proposed: expansion of infrastructure; increase of space for logistics; increase in production through the use of information technology.

Conclusion. Investment attractiveness of sea ports of Ukraine requires urgent transformations, the liberalization of property relations, updating and modernization of the material and technical bases, and the introduction of a modern model of the functioning of marine ports. Private investors possess a large number of opportunities and sources for attracting financial and other resources that are difficult to access for the government. Investors are also well oriented in the advanced market trends, this fact makes them effective participants in the port business.




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Strategy of development of seaports of Ukraine for the period up to 2038, Zatv. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 11, 2013 No. 548-r [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: [in Ukrainian].

Plans for development of sea ports of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: [in Ukrainian].

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