
Lyudmila TONKYH


Introduction. Regulation of investment activity and related economic processes occupies a key place in solving existing problems of structural adjustment of the Ukrainian economy, allows to intensify scientific and technological progress, increase the efficiency of industrial enterprises. Thus, it contributes to the formation of positive trends in the development of the country's economy.

Purpose - to define essence and value of investment attractiveness of modern holding enterprises of Ukraine.

Methods. The attraction of domestic and foreign investments into the real sector of the economy of Ukraine seems relevant, since under these conditions one of the priority issues for any industrial enterprise becomes the problem of strengthening its positions in the market environment, including through increased investment attractiveness.

Results. In world practice, holding companies are primarily financial centers, around which separate companies are united, while not losing its commercial autonomy. Today, virtually all major corporations in the United States and Western Europe have in their composition a financial center in the form of a holding company.

Originality. After analyzing and exploring the advantages and disadvantages provided by various definitions of "investment attractiveness", one can conclude that investment attractiveness is one of the most important characteristics of investment objects and instruments.

Conclusion. Therefore, one can give the following definition of "investment attractiveness of the enterprise". This is a systematic report of economic indicators of the individual enterprise that defines the expediency of investing in this enterprise. This definition covers the main economic performance of a separate holding company, including changes in the economic, political, informational and environmental environment




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