Introduction Energy and food production are so strongly associated, that actions in one area usually affect the other. To ensure energy and food security by increasing efficiency, reducing negative interaction, building synergies and improving governance we investigated relations in food-energy system..
Purpose. Ensuring the cross-sectoral nature of the evaluation through the involvement of agriculture and energy sectors is one of the most difficult tasks. In order to ensure energy and food security by increasing efficiency, reducing negative interactions, increasing synergy and improving leadership, it is necessary to study the relationship of food and energy. This set the goal of the article - to ensure the rational and efficient use of the available resource potential of the internal food and energy sector.
Methods. Methodological basis of the research were general scientific methods of cognition, in particular, abstract-logical, system and logical analysis, economic analysis, correlation-regression analysis, modeling. The information base of the study was legislative and government acts of Ukraine, official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
Results. The purpose of the article is to ensure the rational and efficient use of the available resource potential of the domestic food and energy sectors.
The analysis of dynamics of production of agriculture and food industry was carried out. The agricultural sector of Ukraine is one of the leading branch of the national economy, which recently has positioned itself as a factor of economic growth and attractor that provides food security. However, Ukrainian agriculture is in a very difficult situation for a number of reasons.
Ukrainian energy sector, its structure and energy intensity has been analyzed. Given the country's dependence on imports of such energy resources as gas and oil, high energy intensity limits the competitiveness of domestic production and poses a heavy burden on the economy. The use of non-renewable energy sources is one of the main reasons for the crisis state of the environment, and it is expedient to develop the domestic renewable energy. The state of production of renewable energy sources was investigated. The use of renewable energy sources, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies for their development is priority for the economy of our country. However, the feasibility of this approach should be based on the need to ensure food security.
Originality. The originality of the paper is to find ways to solve the problem of ensuring the rational and efficient use of the available resource potential of the domestic food and energy sector of Ukraine.
Conclusion. The globalization of energy security is linked to the humanitarian and social dimensions. Preserving a situation where a part of humanity has no access to energy resources is threatened by humanitarian catastrophes, growing tension in the world, the emergence of new conflicts and the growing global problems. Only a harmonious combination of bioenergy interests and food security has a prospect of independence and self-sufficiency of countries.
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