Introduction. The Ukrainian society stands at the launch of introducing the latest technologies, standards and reforms that cover economic, social and political life spheres of society. The state policy prioritizes the establishment of an effective political system which implies organization of a highly skilled and competent team of experts. Thus, the direction of Ukrainian development and expansion of capacities and future opportunities solely depends on selection of civil servants and state politicians.
Purpose. The main purpose of the analyses is modernization of the political system and defining effective public servants and state politicians training structure which would incorporate foreign and domestic experiences, as well take into account present day standards, requirements and challenges.
Results. The current conditions of development require radical fundamental changes in the accepted system of civil servants and state politicians trainings. The real expert who is engaged in the civil service or is somehow connected to the constitution of laws, the introduction of new standards, rules or regulations, besides his relevant knowledge and skills, needs to have features that meet expectations of modern conditions of development. Particularly he has to be able to take prompt decision, be flexible and adapt to different situations including the economic, financial or technological fields and at the same time be capable to find creative and unconventional solutions in order to answer traditional questions. Therefore various countries are developing and implementing various techniques to train future civil service experts through incorporation new types of programs, workshops and seminars in the basics. Similar program, based on local and foreign experiences, are launched in Ukraine. In addition, the government and other public services encourage and support employees’ interest to learn languages and computer programs, to attend courses and psychology seminars, business seminars etc.
Originality. The each country develops their own strategy depending on economic developments, resources, territorial location, and climate, level of migration, conflicts, religion and nature. Although not every country is able to influence different directions of development. However every country which is concerned about future perspectives of development is able to make an effort and ensure the appropriate level of education offered for a required number of professionals. Thus it is advisable to introduce methods of couching. The customer-centered approach of civil servants' cooperation requires to create a new type of civil servants.
Conclusion. In order to increase the effectiveness of government administration it is important to develop a partnership with the private sector and establish cooperation with society, increase the state’s transparency and improve monitoring and control mechanisms.
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