
Iryna Kosach
Grygoriy Starchenko


Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of integration processes in the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine. The involvement of corporate business in the integration processes and the specificity of the formation of integration structures has been analized. The specificity of existing models of attracting households in the agroindustrial integration processes was explored. The possibility of small agricultural enterprises and households involvement to integration processes based on the implementation of the mechanism of public-private partnership is substantiated.

Purpose. The research aims at studying the processes of entrepreneurial integration in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in order to determine the possibilities of incorporation of small business into integration processes and its further development and growth of competitiveness.

Results. The processes taking place in the national economy and its branches, in particular in the agro-industrial complex, should be based on the principles of ensuring integrity and integration, on the basis of harmonization of economic, social and environmental interests of the business and the state, can be ensured through the use of public-private partnership.

Originality.   In modern economic conditions, the role of integrated entrepreneurial formations, based on the principles of public-private partnership, is growing. This is a special kind of economic relations between entrepreneurial structures with the participation of the state, they form a stable association and strengthen cooperation on the basis of a mutually beneficial partnership with the aim of effective cooperation.

Conclusion. Synergetic effect can be achieved only in conditions of integration formation. The subjects of entrepreneurial activity in the process of diversification, increasing the volume of production or development of the raw material base are able to satisfy their own interests by attracting households in joint activities, which in turn will receive guarantees of social protection, employment, efficient distribution of profits, provision of basic means, feeds, seeds , technological support.




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