
Yulіia Chumachenko


Introduction. The agrarian-industrial complex, based on which is agriculture, occupies a significant place in the Ukrainian economy and forms the basis for its successful development. Thanks to the functioning of the agro-industrial complex, the food security of the country is formed, as well as, within certain limits, economic, ecological and energy. At the same time, this complex contributes to the formation of the socio-economic atmosphere of rural areas, their progressive development, and also stimulates the development of technologically related sectors of the economy. The state of development of the agro-industrial complex is characterized by the presence of the potential of its functional composition, that is, the agrarian enterprises whose tendencies of development form the general state of the complex. The relevance of this study is to systematize the types of agro-industrial integration of the cooperative direction, to identify its advantages and disadvantages, drawing on practical experience of specific countries. Isolation of the components of the integration potential of the agrarian-industrial complex of Ukraine, as well as factors hampering the process of agro-industrial integration in Ukraine.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the essence and necessity of agro-industrial integration by studying foreign experience in this direction. The main tasks are: to prove the necessity of agro-industrial integration, to indicate the advantages of this process, to analyze the possible consequences of the integration of the agro-industrial complex, to study and analyze the world's experience, and to identify future perspectives of agro-industrial integration in Ukraine.

Results. The article considers the peculiarities of agroindustrial integration and its necessity at the present stage of economic development. The role of this process in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine has been characterized. The world experience of agroindustrial integration, in particular, the types and peculiarities of introduction in certain countries is explored. The components of integration potential of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and their weight in the process of agro-industrial integration are allocated.

Originality. The main elements of the integration potential of the agro-industrial complex are identified and characterized. The types of agro-industrial integration of the cooperative type are systematized, the peculiarities of its implementation in different countries are analyzed, and the consequences and results of its course are described. The place of agro-industrial integration of the cooperative type in the development of agrarian-industrial complex of Ukraine is determined.

Conclusions. The development of the agro-industrial complex is impossible without the introduction of the latest means of production, technologies and innovative equipment. All these factors provide intensive development of this complex and stimulate the production of the final product. However, it is also important to use and implement the latest management methods for successful management of the enterprise and directing its activities in the required direction. Agro-industrial integration is a priority vector of the movement of agrarian-industrial complex and is through its integration into the world agrarian community. This process provides a combination of different industries in order to successfully operate the agro-industrial complex. World experience shows that due to the merger of enterprises and their effective management, much better results can be achieved through synergistic effects.




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