
Anna Melnichuk
Anastasia Shramkovska


Introduction. There was a need to incorporate into the company's own activities a wide range of requirements and the wishes of various groups of stakeholders. This led to the decision to implement social initiatives on a permanent basis, their systematization and integration into a single strategy of corporate social responsibility. Today, the development of a corporate social responsibility strategy and its integration into the overall strategy of company development is one of the most important factors in preventing non-commercial risks of operations and ensuring the company's competitive advantage.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to formulate a strategy of corporate social responsibility of the company as an integral system of goals, principles, tasks, directions and measures for its realization (for example, the dealer company «Agrotehsoyuz»).

Results. The corporate social responsibility strategy of LLC «Agrotechoyuz» is considered as a logical extension of the mission, values and goals of the company.  The authors of the strategy intend to achieve the maximum company success in the market by balancing the interests of stakeholders, which represent the company's business environment, and the realization of the values of corporate social responsibility in accordance with the goals of sustainable development.

At the core of developing a strategy for corporate social responsibility is the unification of efforts of all seven territorially separate agencies of the company for the above-mentioned purposes.

In general, the achievement of the goal of the corporate social responsibility strategy of the dealer company «Agrotehsoyuz» involves setting up and implementing a set of tasks, united in separate directions, each of which aims to promote the achievement of certain «Goals of Sustainable Development». The following areas of strategy for the company are as follows: the direction 1. Ensuring transparency, publicity of the company's activities and development of corporate culture; direction 2. Harmonious development of workers and promotion of their initiative;direction 3. Reliable partner and responsible member of rural communities; direction 4. Educational initiatives for staff, partners and local communities; a direction 5. Support of resource-saving and environmental initiatives and ensuring of safety standards.

The next step in shaping the corporate social responsibility strategy of «Agrotechsoiuz» company should be to develop a plan for implementing measures for solving problems in each of the five identified areas.

Originality. The strategy of corporate social responsibility of the dealer company «Agrotehsoyuz» is formed taking into account those social initiatives that have already been implemented by the company in recent years, as well as taking into account such factors as the number of employees of the company and their distribution by position, the territorial distribution of representations, the specifics of the main activity, financial company capabilities, etc.

Conclusion. The development and implementation corporate social responsibility of the LLC «Agrotechsoyuz» strategy is evidence of the company's readiness to form strategic values for its activities and increase its competitiveness in accordance with the goals of sustainable development.  Implementation of the proposed strategy of corporate social responsibility will help to achieve positive effects both for «Agrotechsoyuz» and for various groups of stakeholders, in particular: increasing the efficiency of employees' labor and company profits, developing corporate culture, increasing the trust of external stackholder companies, improving the environmental state of the environment, growth of a positive image of the company.





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