. Introduction. In this study, we are talking about the employees of the bank, directly working with customers, and whose purpose is to satisfy the needs of customers. It is known that in the process of planning, selection, motivation and training of personnel, the owners, managers and personnel services of banks usually proceed from their own ideas about the importance of each of the personal competences of employees. Therefore, the study was required to determine the personal competencies of the "ideal" employee of the bank, which can ensure a high level of customer loyalty and high economic performance of the bank. Determining the personal competencies of an ideal bank employee is useful in implementing the personnel policy of banking institutions when planning, selecting, motivating and training personnel working in contact with clients.
Purpose. The purpose of the study was to determine the personal competencies of the ideal employee of the bank working with clients.
Methods of research. The main methods of research were questioning and statistical processing of questionnaires. The questionnaire included 33 competences. Competences of the ideal employee of the bank were divided into 3 groups in accordance with the EU educational standards: personal; social; knowledge and skills in the professional sphere.
Results. It was the analysis of personal competencies for the ideal Bank employee working in contact with clients. The study was performed by the method survey of three groups of respondents in Poland. Obtained three main personal competencies: honesty, responsibility, good communication skills. The resulting list of competencies is useful to banking institutions for planning, selection, motivation and training of personnel, working in contact with clients.
Conclusion. The generalization of the data showed three personal competences of the ideal employee of the bank that directly works with clients from the point of view of respondents: honesty, responsibility, sociability. Thus, in the list of personal competencies of an ideal employee of the bank, according to respondents, the following competences were included:
- “Communicative skills”, obtained in higher education institutions or acquired in the process of training at trainings,
- two problem competence “Honesty”, “Responsibility”. Competence “Responsibility” can be trained at trainings of the new generation. The competence of “Honesty” in reality is very difficult to train.
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