
Yevgeniya Makazan


Introduction. Using entrepreneurial abilities in business and management becomes a special kind of human capital. Under the conditions of an innovative economy, it is impossible to survive, and moreover, to defeat competitors without the powerful potential of enterprise.

Purpose. The aim of the study is to generalize the trends of the formation, development and accumulation of human capital.

Research methodology. In the process of research, general scientific methods were used, in particular: methods of theoretical generalization - to study the tendencies of human capital formation; systematic approach - to determine the impact of human capital development on the country's development; methods of analysis and synthesis - to identify the need for human capital development and study the factors of influence on the development of human capital.

Result. The socio-economic characteristics of human capital are investigated. The factors influencing the birth of entrepreneurial abilities are analyzed. The necessity of development of human capital is substantiated. The concept of "human capital is generalized.

Scientific novelty is to express the role of human capital formation both for the country as a whole and for ordinary enterprises.

Conclusion. The factors influencing the formation of human capital are determined in view of the theoretical basis, as well as on the present realities of Ukraine.





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