
Taras Romashchenko


. Introduction. Integration of Ukraine into the world market of labour force that takes place during the whole independence period is mainly one-sided process as the state proves to be the international donor of cheap but qualified human resources. The consequences of large in scale and very often uncontrolled external labour migration of Ukrainians for national economy and society are really threatening. It leads to the loss of country’s intellectual potential, fall of GDP production, critical deterioration of demographic situation, etc. All these socioeconomic processes grew worse since the events of 2014. As a result, elaboration of national migration policy (its immigration component) is seen to be of vital importance to regulate effectively the international mobility of human resources in Ukraine.

Purpose. To argue the objective necessity of international human resources attraction into Ukraine; to single out basic groups of necessary immigrants for national economy; to prove the importance of migration flows returning (remigration); to outline crucial directions of national migration policy (its immigration component).

Results. In the article the objective necessity of international human resources attraction into Ukraine as a substitute for national labour force that migrates abroad is pointed out. Argued the immediacy of national migration policy (its immigration component) elaboration in order to regulate effectively the international mobility of human resources in Ukraine. By using selective approach basic groups of necessary immigrants for national economy are singled out. Among them highly-skilled professionals and labouring men are proved to be. Special attention is paid to foreign students mobility and study throughout Ukraine. In the article the importance of migration flows returning (remigration) is emphasized by the author. Revealed a special importance of Ukrainian returnees for socioeconomic development of national economy. Besides, in the article some other crucial directions of national migration policy are characterized.

Originality. Asserted a true significance of immigration regulation in Ukraine as a means of overcoming of negative socioeconomic and demographic consequences concerning external labour migration of Ukrainians.

Conclusion. Social importance of the problems of human resources international mobility in Ukraine deserves constant attention from the government and society. Such attention should lead to the elaboration of such national migration policy (its immigration component) that must be in the interests of national economy and society as a whole, enrich domestic labour resources, provide steady economic growth of Ukraine, increase its influence in the world.




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