
Rostislav Tulchinsky


Introduction. The new regionalism paradigm formation in Ukraine requires further research and substantiation of its theoretical and methodological principles, including the establishment of the classification features of the new regionalism.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to establish the classification features of the new regionalism; for this purpose, various scholars clarified the classification features of regionalism and the reasons for the emergence of a new regionalism were identified.

Methods. In order to find out the classification features of the new regionalism, general scientific methods of research and special methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely dialectical, monographic, analysis and synthesis, as well as a systematic approach.

Results. The article clarifies the classification features of regionalism. It was established that E. Harrel considers regionalism at the same time as a certain special relationship of regions with the world economy and as a policy, classifying it divides into five varieties, namely: regionalization, regional awareness and identity, regional intergovernmental cooperation, state regional integration and regional consolidation. B. Hettne, using the macro-approach, sees in regionalism the positioning of the region in the world economy, which in its further development may lead to multi-regionalism in the form of a new structure of the world economy, and considers regionalism from three positions: the measurement of the region, the evaluation of actors, the level of the region. M. Kitting gives a more branched classification of new regionalism, singling out the six main "ideal" forms of regionalism: conservative, "bourgeois", modernist, progressive, populist, and separatist regionalism, which gives a clear idea of regionalism that can be manifested in conservatism and separatism, and also have a "golden mean" in the form of progressive regionalism. The article substantiates the reasons for the emergence of a new regionalism.

Originality. Because of the research, further development of the scientific and methodological principles of a new regionalism classification using the system approach, which gave the opportunity to identify the main causes of the emergence of new regionalism.

Conclusions. The definition of the classification features of regionalism has made it possible to establish that new regionalism should be viewed not as a process but as a phenomenon and to justify the reasons for the emergence of a new regionalism. The various approaches to the classification of regionalism substantiate the existence of a large number of interpretations of the "regionalism" concept’s essence and different views of scholars. It has been established that regionalism must be divided into economic and political regionalism, as well as distinguish between regionalism and new regionalism.




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