
Anna Diemidova
Viktoria Adamovska
Olga Garasiuk


Introduction. Every person must, as a maximum, exercise power and, at least, obey the authority. Each of these processes is conditioned by a certain attitude to one or another phenomenon. The current electoral process is based on the emerging image of future politician. The question of political image-making is fundamental in shaping a new figure in the political arena or consolidating the position of an already existing politician.

Purpose. The research aims at the improvement of the theoretical apparatus of the problem of political image making and search for the components of a positive image of politician.

Methods. In the course of the research, the data of expert evaluations were used, the method of ball assessments and the tabular method of information display were applied.

Results. The article explores the essence of political image-making and its classification. Proceeding from the fact that politicians of any level (both local and national) must meet the demands of the population, namely to demonstrate proper behavior and way of thinking, the components of the image (external, internal and procedural) are revealed in the article. Proposed, what elements of these components are important in image-making. The analysis of the procedural component of the image is based on the classification of human psychotypes. The article presents the improvement of the theoretical apparatus of this issue by introducing the concept of «effective image». Proposed use score with points to determine efficiency of the image of politician.

Originality. Proposed to use the term «effective image». An effective image is a positive image of a political figure, whose components (external, internal and procedural) are oriented towards increasing the number of supporters from the side of the population, by showing satisfactory behavior for the community, aimed at increasing the well-being of the population of the city, region and country as a whole. Effective image should have the following characteristics of these components:

1. External component: the appearance of a politician, his face, hairstyle, posture, clothing and accessories should not cost millions, but they must meet a serious status, expressing it in an official business style; gestures and language must be clear, restrained; according to the timbre and feature of speech, politicians should show their competence and professionalism, a good understanding of the case;

2. The internal component: the opinion of the politician should be clearly focused on the development of the welfare of the country, raising the living standards of the population, the identification of patriotism and the desire for fundamental changes that will improve the political situation of the country should be tracked; intellectual and professional skills must be at a high standard, in accordance with the specifics of the field of work; The political idea of politics should be directed, first of all, to improving the lives of the population, not its own.

3. The procedural component is very important, and it is very difficult to work with image-makers. We have formed an effective procedural component of the image of a politician, namely: active in political initiatives; quickly orientated in any situation; establishes external connections; leadership and organizational qualities; purposeful in their actions; persistent in work; stable in his behavior and emotions; persistent in the performance of official duties; energetic in the execution of cases.

Conclusion. Consequently, we can conclude that the internal component of the image of politician (thinking, attitudes towards the people) and the procedural component (by which the politician carries out his functions) is fundamental to the formation of a positive image that is attractive to the electorate. The question of the effective image (an image aimed at increasing the number of supporters from the side of the population, by showing satisfactory behavior for the community, which is aimed at improving the well-being of the population) will be relevant at all times in a civilized society. The need to continue the study of this issue is due to the constant change in the economic and political situation of the state.




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