
Margarita Lyshenko


Introduction.  In market conditions, economic entities independently attract financial resources, try to effectively place them in order to ensure uninterrupted entrepreneurial activity, carry out independent search of counterparties. Of particular importance is the definition of quantitative and qualitative variables that would characterize the stability, reliability of the company as a partner in market relations, its ability to maneuver financial resources to achieve effective entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, it is important to substantiate the methodology for determining the financial sustainability of enterprises, the main criteria and indicators for its determination, the establishment of the place of this assessment in the financial management system.

Purpose: there is a scientific substantiation of theoretical positions and practical principles for ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the investigated material, social and qualitative methods of research, analytical - statistical method.

Results. The article defines the concept of financial stability of the enterprise. The connection between financial stability and financial stability of the enterprise is revealed. The model of determination of financial stability of the enterprise is offered. Measures have been developed to ensure the financial stability of the company; improvement of the system of providing and forecasting financial sustainability of the enterprise; economic substantiation and evaluation of financial sustainability of the enterprise. The calculation of indicators of financial stability of the enterprise is given. The types of financial sustainability are defined and measures to improve it are proposed.

Conclusion.  Prospects for further research are to develop a methodology for analyzing the indicators of financial stability of the enterprise and mechanisms for managing financial and economic stability, which in the future will take into account the indicators of the internal financial potential of the enterprise, and as a result the need to determine the influence of external factors on determining the type of financial stability




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