Introduction. Construction is one of the most important types of national economy, the performance of which depends on the efficiency of the economy of any country in the world. Construction creates a large number of jobs, requires the provision of necessary human, material, energy resources, interacts with all other complexes. Construction at all stages is the most material-intensive, connected with more than 70 types of economic activity and is a driving force for the development of the Ukrainian economy. Construction creates favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The growth of construction contributes to the improvement of the economic situation of the country and solves a large number of social problems.
Purpose. Diagnosing the level of development of construction in Ukraine in 2013-2017 and defining the prospects for future development.
Results. Construction as a component of material production is intended to create and restore the basic assets of all participants in the economic process, in particular, budget, commercial organizations, legal entities and individuals. The main source of investment for the development of construction is the population of the country. The indices of the volume of construction work are determined as the ratio of the volume of construction work performed from the beginning of the reporting period to the volumes of the corresponding period of the previous year, listed in comparison with the prices using the price index for construction work. In general, analyzing the performance of construction enterprises by their size, it should be noted that the volume of sales of products tend to increase throughout the period under investigation. The volume of sales of small enterprises increased the most rapidly and by 2017 their number was about 50%. In recent years, in Ukraine, the growing number of financial insolvent enterprises in all components of the national economy, this trend is also in the construction market. Medium-sized enterprises significantly reduce the volume of sales, and the trend is gradually moving towards the distribution of the construction industry between small and large enterprises.
Originality. The article highlighted the specifics of functioning of the enterprises of the construction industry. The condition of the building complex of Ukraine with the assessment of the volume of construction works in 2013-2017. Highlighted problems in the functioning of company-producers of building materials. Directions of increase of efficiency of the building complex.
Conclusion. Activities of construction companies is rather low. To enhance the construction should take new effective management decisions at the state and local level and at the enterprise level to encourage innovation and active innovation in manufacturing processes, switching to energy efficient technology, bringing construction products to European standards and regulations to improve product quality and reduce its cost, restore demand. The importance of construction requires that it be provided with all necessary human, financial, material, informational, and innovative resources. The level of construction should be developed along with interconnected types of national economy.
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