Introduction. Achieving the state of the knowledge economy in Ukraine and its regions necessitates the substantiation of the essence and content of the information provision of processes of knowledge development in society. However, in Ukraine, unified approaches and principles have not been formulated to create an information base for the formation of a knowledge economy at the regional and national levels, which complicates decision-making processes, the development of a unified state policy aimed at supporting creative-innovative and digital development vectors.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify the main objects of evaluation, content and problems in the field of information provision for the formation of knowledge economy in Ukraine and its regions.
Methods. In order to achieve this goal, methods of summarising and grouping statistical data, generalisation and logic, abstraction are used in the work. The use of these methods, allows to reveal the degree of informational sufficiency and filling of the information provision of the formation of the state of knowledge economy at the regional and national levels, and concentrate attention among a plurality of statistical information on the absolute and relative indicators that characterise the level of knowledge development and the possibilities for its acceleration.
Results. It is determined that the information provision of the diagnostics of the state of formation of the knowledge economy should be based on statistical data, characterised by the functioning of the main social institutions, which include the state, education, science and business represented by the subjects of management. It is proposed to examine the activities of social institutes with an emphasis on assessing the penetration and use of information and communication technologies and the degree of innovation in their activities. Also, for the coverage of the information provision of the process of formation of the knowledge economy, criteria were defined that allowed to group the relative and absolute statistical indicators by directions: object, subject, wages, development, investments, financial result, the need of employers in employees. It is established that one of the main directions of assessing the state of the knowledge economy development process is the analysis of the efficiency of the use of information and communication technologies at enterprises and the speed of its dissemination in the national economy. In the process of studying the state of use of information and communication technologies, enterprises of Ukraine were found to be inadequate to provide information when highlighting the peculiarities of the process of formation of knowledge economy at the state and regional levels.
Originality. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is to determine the composition of statistical data and their structuring in order to use, for the information provision of the process of assessing the formation of the knowledge economy in Ukraine and its regions.
Conclusion. Information provision of the process of reaching a country or bringing it closer to a knowledge economy is of great importance for identifying trends that characterise manifestations of qualitative and quantitative knowledge growth. It has been established that in order to assess the possibilities of forming a knowledge economy at the national and regional levels, it is necessary to determine the degree of penetration of the latest information and communication technologies and innovative processes into the activities of the main institutes of society, which include the state, education, science and production. Ukraine has officially approved statistical surveys and forms the basis for gathering information on the possibility of assessing the state of the knowledge economy. However, the information provision of the process of formation of the knowledge economy in Ukraine is insufficient. Information that characterises the processes of formation of the knowledge economy and allows to determine the trends of their occurrence, is contained in various statistical collections and does not have a complex representation. It is revealed that in the statistical information base there are changes in the frequency of its replenishment, the structuring of data, which reduces the degree of validity of the results of the survey and the conclusions to be drawn on their basis. It is also established that there is absolutely no statistical information on the implementation of information and communication technologies in the activity and degree of its innovation in educational institutions, including schools, colleges, higher educational establishments. Consequently, the listed problems in the information provision of the assessment of the processes of formation of the knowledge economy at the national and regional levels require further research, which should be aimed at developing proposals for their solution.
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