Modern aspects of labor motivation


L.P. Yermalovich


In personnel management motivation is seen as the process of activating the motives of workers. It is well-proven that management efficiency depends on that as far as the internal (personality) factors of forming of motivation will be taken into account full. The content of these factors determines the specific methods of motivational influence. The necessary taking into account of intercommunication of internal and external factors of forming and development of personnel, that allows to work out the row of instruments that form sociallabour relations are certain in a collective.The composition of motivating tools will depend on the size of the organization, the specifics of its activities, the level of personnel, corporate culture, organizational strategy pursued personnel policy.


Біографія автора

L.P. Yermalovich, Державний інститут управління і соціальних технологій Білоруського державного університету, м. Мінськ

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економіки і управління бізнесом


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