
Oleksandr KLYMCHUK


Introduction. The massive deficit and high price policy on energy resources in today's conditions are becoming one of the main factors behind the containment of economic growth in most countries of the world. The weakness of the energy system of our state is revealed due to the rising prices of most fossil energy sources, which form the basis of the structure of national energy consumption. Therefore, the strategy for further development requires state support, which should be to provide granting privileges and incentives for investments aimed at developing various energy sectors, in particular renewable energy and biofuels production.

Purpose. The research aims at studying is to develop and substantiate the strategic directions of the formation of national energy security in order to ensure the growth of the Ukrainian economy.

Methods. Method of theoretical analyses and graphic method are used.

Results. The stable world tendency for stable growth of the share of renewable energy sources for optimization of the general structure of fuel and energy balance is highlighted. The main priority directions in increasing energy efficiency and implementing the energy saving potential are the technological and structural restructuring of the economy and the social sphere of the country. Biological fuels in the overall structure of renewable energy sources are considered as an important resource for diversifying energy sources and ensuring energy security.

Originality. In the article highlights the strategic directions of the formation of national energy security for Ukraine's economic growth different from the ones existing in the following: 1) the most influential factors are defined for the formation of the energy sector of any country; 2) the main directions of increasing energy efficiency and implementation of the energy saving potential are established; 3) priority directions are formed for effective solution of urgent technical and technological, regulatory and environmental problems in overcoming the energy crisis processes in the state; 4) defines the main aspects and methodological provisions for ensuring energy security of the state.

Conclusion. To a large extent, energy security is due to the level of development and use of available energy resources and the depth of their complex processing, the state of control over expenditures on fuel and energy resources, the level of energy saving and consumption of renewable energy sources. When choosing energy sources and technologies for their receipt, they must be guided by the cost of a full cycle of energy supply (production, transportation, distribution and consumption of energy), including health and environmental costs. It is necessary to develop a general strategy for the development of the energy sector to reduce the energy intensity of the economy by introducing new technologies, progressive standards, modern systems of control, management and accounting, transportation and consumption of energy resources, and the development of market mechanisms for stimulating the production of biological fuels.




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