


Introduction. An effective system of economic security, organized with the allocation of an adequate amount of financial resources for the establishment of processes of security-oriented management, can provide enterprises with a high level of functional efficiency and level up the need to use tools of crisis management through the mechanisms of counteracting the crisis of entrepreneurial activity. However, for today's business entities in Ukraine, the fragmentary structure of economic security systems is typical. Under such conditions, it is impossible to completely eliminate the threat of a crisis, however, the available resources, informational, personnel and financial security of economic security can effectively counteract the crisis and promote the restoration of the normal financial and economic state of the enterprise, institution, organization, which in general is the goal of crisis management. Thus, the research topic related to attempts to specify the role and importance of crisis management in the system of managing economic security of economic entities is relevant and timely in view of the intensification of crisis trends in the national economic system.

Purpose. The purpose of this work is to study the role and significance of crisis management in the system of economic security management of economic entities in order to establish the possibility of modernizing microeconomic security systems to ensure effective counteraction to the spread of crisis phenomena at enterprises of different forms of ownership and types of economic activity.

Methods. Method of theoretical analysis, monographic method, method of generalization, abstract-logical method are used.

Results. The work specifies the role and significance of crisis management in the system of economic security management of economic entities. The content of the concept of crisis management with the consideration of the essential interpretation of the category of economic security is proposed. The traditional principles of crisis management are considered and adapted to the domestic features of economic security of economic structures.

Originality. The subsystem of crisis management is investigated and measures of economic security management of the enterprise are substantiated, which should be carried out within the framework of functioning of each of these subsystems. The possibilities and directions of interaction of crisis management and economic security management in the system of management of the subject of economic activity for realization of the main economic interests of the enterprises, institutions and organizations as well as all categories of their stakeholders are determined.

Conclusion. Attraction of tools and practices of crisis management in the system of economic security can provide timely identification of threatening trends and phenomena, minimization of their negative impact on the financial position and financial results of the enterprise, as well as meet the information needs of management of the entity to make managerial decisions in response to the threats to it economic security.




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