


Introduction. The manufacturing enterprise is a rather complex organizational system that is subject to various types of risks, since it has in its structure the activities of individual units aimed at the implementation of certain functions. Therefore, it is very important to study the sources and causes of risks precisely at such enterprises. Risk identification is the process of identifying a company’s inclination to uncertainty, which involves getting complete information about the company itself, market, legislation, social, political, cultural environment of the company, as well as its strategy of development and business processes.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to uncover the concept of risk identification as an instrument for providing enterprise economic security, studying the stages of the process of identifying risks using the main theses of international risk management standards.

Methods. The methodological basis of the study is a set of methods of cognition: generalization, historical-logical and retrospective methods, factor analysis, statistical methods: mass observation, grouping, rating method.

Results. The purpose of identifying risks is to search, identify and describe the risks that can help or prevent an enterprise from achieving its objectives. Identification of risks involves a series of processes: identification of assets, identification of risk sources, identification of risk events, identification of existing control measures, identification of consequences.

Identification of risks at an enterprise involves not fixing the fact of occurrence of a risk event, but identifying the possibility of occurrence of such an event, which has mainly negative consequences. Therefore, identification is done in advance in order to be able to take risk management measures.

Those identified risks are subject to further evaluation. The risk assessment process is conducted to identify critical risks for the enterprise. The impact of potential risks should be assessed on an individual basis or in conjunction with other elements of the enterprise.

Risk identification itself is the first step in reducing the risk, as in the process of work on the identification of risk is, in fact, informal control over it. This, above all, attracts more attention and caution / decision-making in the considered risk.

A specialist unit or a risk management professional should work once a year on the large-scale identification of risk factors for the company’s activities and the direct identification of risks itself. In the theory and practice of risk management, there are a number of different methods for identifying risks.

Originality. A number of actions are proposed to identify existing control measures, and six levels of maturity are presented to assess such measures. In order to determine the effects on assets, a gradation of the levels of consequences that can be determined or indeterminate, has a positive or negative, direct or indirect effect on the realization of the goals.

Conclusion. Following the identification procedures, it is necessary to go to the risk analysis, which aims to understand the nature of the risk and its characteristics, taking into account the level of risk. The risk analysis includes a detailed consideration of uncertainties, sources of risk, consequences, probabilities, events, scenarios, control measures and their effectiveness. Such an analysis can be carried out with varying degrees of detail and complexity depending on the purposes of analysis, availability and reliability of information, available resources. Methods of analysis are divided into qualitative, quantitative, and their combinations, depending on the circumstances and the intended use.




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