Introduction. At the present stage of economic development, one of the most important problems is the search for more efficient use of limited resources available in the enterprise and the formation of such resource potential that would be sufficient to produce the required amount of products. Problems of using the resources of agrarian enterprises are connected, first of all, with the innovation of production and its environmental safety.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of using certain resources of agrarian enterprises and possible ways of overcoming them.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study is a set of methods of cognition: generalization, historical-logical and retrospective methods.
Results. Among the problems of resource use of particular relevance are issues of improving the reproduction of productive capacity of agricultural land and their environmentally safe use.
Water resources play an increasing role in the agrarian sector of the economy. This is due to the need to increase agricultural productivity; unfavorable agro-climatic conditions in agricultural regions; differences in the ratio of land and water potentials, since in most of the agricultural land they act as a single unit – means of production. There is a shortage of water resources on the territory of Ukraine; therefore, the main task is to save water and its rational use, to search for a variety of alternative ways of land reclamation.
Effective use of rural labor resources is one of the main factors that influence the increase of production in an agrarian enterprise and the improvement of the living standards of the rural population. The main problem of the development and efficient functioning of labor resources in rural areas is the curtailment of agricultural production, a sharp contraction of sown areas under labor-intensive cultures, which lead to an increase in unemployment, underemployment and mass labor migration.
The development of agrarian enterprises is impossible without sufficient financial resources from all possible sources of income. Particular state support is an important problem in improving the financial condition of agrarian enterprises. The main reasons for inefficient financing by the state of the agrarian sector are the imperfection of the mechanisms for obtaining and distributing budget funds and violation of budgetary discipline during their use.
Equally important are the problems of technical and technological provision of agricultural production on the basis of the introduction of the latest engineering and technologies, in particular, the use of alternative types of energy, as well as informatization of the agro-industrial sector of the economy. Informatization should relate to production, management, education, science.
Originality. The revealed problems of resources utilization of agrarian enterprises need to be solved only under the condition of an innovative way of overcoming them with the obligatory consideration of the ecological component.
Conclusion. In general, improving the conditions for the economic activity of agrarian enterprises and solving these problems, using resources on an innovative basis, taking into account the environmental component, will provide an opportunity to increase the efficiency of their production and economic activity in general and competitiveness, in particular, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
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