


Introduction. In Ukraine, the theme of ecological and economic optimization of territorial development is extremely relevant, because in our country there are numerous sources of formation of environmentally threatening environment and zones of environmental disasters. At the same time, the need to stabilize the situation and ensure the further development of the domestic economy requires finding a balance between resource support for solving environmental and economic problems without giving tangible priority to any of the named parties.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to specify possible approaches to environmental and economic development in the process of formation of an environmentally safe economy.

Methods. The method of theoretical analysis, the method of generalization, comparison ae used.

Results. The peculiarities of the current stage of ecological and economic development of Ukraine are: introduction of the system of technical regulation in the processes of using natural resources (standards of products, standards of technological processes, maximum permissible emission standards, etc.); development and implementation of environmental technologies, use of renewable energy sources, etc.; involving citizens in the process of environmental and economic regulation through raising awareness of the population on environmental issues, raising environmental literacy.

Originality. The article substantiates the necessity of directing the vector of further development of the economic system of Ukraine in the direction of formation of an environmentally safe economy. The views of two trends of the ideologues of sustainable economic development that are necessary for the formation of an environmentally safe economy are considered. A number of important and consistent steps, which the Ukrainian government needs to do in the direction of transformation of the traditional economic system to start its "green growth", is specified. The main positive effects of ecologically safe economy for business and population of the country are determined.

Conclusion. The reasons for the further development of national ecological and economic regulation systems are the same for all countries of the world. Among them characteristic for Ukraine are strengthening the exploitation of the mineral-raw material base for economic growth; an increase in the technogenic load on the environment caused by economic growth; repeated increase of damage as a result of man-made accidents and ecological disasters; the need to establish state control over the use of water, forest, mineral resources and other resources; increase of ecological activity and public interest in issues of environmental protection, the emergence of civil society, etc.

By studying the mechanisms of ecological and economic development for the formation of an environmentally safe economy, built by the G-20 countries, we can assume that there are at least three approaches to the regulation of such development in Ukraine. First, it is an approach that uses a rigid system of administrative regulations, regulatory and technical requirements, and penalties for violations. Secondly, it is an approach based on creating economic incentives for economic entities to introduce into their activities the principles of environmental risk taking (soft), and, thirdly, an approach that is a combination of elements of the first and second approach (mixed).




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