


Introduction. The rational organization of the management system as a whole, and in the context of certain types of management activities, such as financial, strategic, innovation, personnel management, etc., now becomes not an additional business advantage, but an objective condition for the existence of an enterprise. But since the market economy, within which the modern production of business, financial, investment processes must be carried out by modern business entities, focused primarily on the needs of the final consumer and guided by the demand and supply trends, it is necessary for the management of domestic enterprises to distinguish market management as an applied bases for the functions of planning, organization, motivation, coordination and control over economic activities, taking into account market trends and customer-oriented needs of all categories of stakeholders.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of market management in enterprise management systems in Ukraine. In order to realize the goal set within this study, it is necessary to fulfill a number of the following tasks: to offer an author’s definition of the concept of market management; to establish the list of goals and results of effective realization of market management processes for domestic enterprises in modern economic conditions; to identify obstacles of the integration of market management practices into enterprise management systems in Ukraine.

Methods. Method of theoretical analysis, monographic method, method of generalization, abstract-logical method are used.

Results. Under market management, it is proposed to understand a separate form of management activity that is dynamic and flexible, and which is dominated by the type of innovation management, able to respond in a timely manner to the market conditions changes, new conditions of competition and quickly transform the mechanisms of enterprise activity, taking into account the requirements of the environment and in line with the expectations of stakeholders. The list of goals and results of effective realization of market management processes for domestic enterprises in the modern economic conditions is established. The main ones are: orientation on the needs of customers and other categories of stakeholders, the formation of price and production policy, depending on the trends of supply and demand; cost optimization and transition to innovative production technologies; flexibility in making managerial decisions and information transparency.

Originality. Author’s definition of the concept of market management is proposed. The list of goals and results of effective realization of market management processes for domestic enterprises in the modern economic conditions is established. The obstacles on the way to integration of market management practices into enterprise management systems in Ukraine are identified.

Conclusion. The obstacles of the integration of market management practices into enterprise management systems in Ukraine are identified. Thus, obstacles to the active use of market management practices were: business entities resource constraints, the lack of skilled personnel, lack of information on market trends necessary for wise management decisions, traditions of doing business that are difficult to undergo transformation, etc.




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