Introduction. Today, the banking system has a number of problems that allows us to talk about the systemic crisis of the banking system in Ukraine. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure an adequate level of financial security of the banking system through its substantial modernization, which will help to increase the client base of banks and expand the range of banking services, which in turn will allow to increase the level of capitalization of commercial banks and create the basis for a stable and powerful basis of the entire financial systems of our country.
Purpose. The research aims at providing scientific substantiation of theoretical and practical provisions on ensuring an adequate level of financial security of the banking system in Ukraine as a component of the national economy.
Methods. Method of theoretical analysis, monographic method, method of generalization, abstract-logical method are used.
Results. The article analyzes the role of the banking system in the national economy. The key approaches to understanding the essence of the concept "financial security of the banking system" are determined and the author’s definition is proposed. The structural-logical scheme of achievement of financial safety of the banking system is developed. The types of threats to the financial security of the banking system and their classification have been investigated. The types of risks of the banking system were determined and their assessment on a ten-point scale. The analysis of the main indicators of banks activity and economic norms in the banking system of Ukraine is carried out. The researches the number of operating banks in Ukraine, total assets of banks, gross loans of individuals and business entities and funds of individuals and business entities. The dynamics of change in net profit (loss) of Ukrainian banks is analyzed.
Originality. The financial security of the banking sector is proposed to understand the financial state of the banking sector, which promotes the efficient operation of banks and allows for the rapid detection and elimination of potential threats and minimizing the risks that prevent banks from developing normally and perform their functions qualitatively. The list of measures, the implementation of which will contribute to ensuring an adequate level of financial security of the banking system in Ukraine, is developed, namely: to restore profitability of banking activity and stimulate further capitalization of the banking sector; increase requirements for the minimum size of regulatory capital; create conditions for restoring confidence in the banking system (to strengthen the protection of the rights of participants in banking activities); to facilitate the activation of deposit and credit activities of banking structures; stabilize the exchange rate of the national currency.
Conclusion. The generalization of the results of the study leads to the formation of such conclusions. First, the banking system is a component of the national economy. Secondly, the level of economic security of the state depends on the level of financial security of the banking system. Thirdly, the threats to the financial security of the Ukrainian banking system are extremely high. Fourthly, there is a need to improve the level of financial security of the banking system in Ukraine.
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