Introduction. Hotel-restaurant economy is one of the main factors and an important component of tourist infrastructure. This is due to the fact that no tourist trip is possible without hotel service and food. It is an integral part of not only a tourist product but also everyday life. The hotel and restaurant industry is rapidly developing and has the opportunity to become one of the most important sectors of tourism activity.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the trends of the enterprises of hotel and restaurant industry and tourist establishments.
Methods. Method of theoretical analysis, monographic method, method of generalization, abstract-logical method are used.
Results. Contemporary trends in the restaurant and tourism business, development of integration forms of organization of activity of enterprises of hotel and restaurant economy in Ukraine on the network basis of well-known western corporations are considered. Article determined the marketing determinants of hotel and restaurant networks development and the system of management of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business. The efficiency of the process of organization and management of enterprises on the basis of software and hardware is substantiated.
Originality. The tendencies of development of tourist establishments and enterprises of hotel and restaurant economy are explored. Modern trends in restaurant and tourist business are presented. The development of integration forms of organization of activity of enterprises of hotel and restaurant economy in Ukraine on the basis of networking of well-known western corporations is considered. The efficiency of the process of organization and management of enterprises on the basis of modern information technology, using a set of methods and means of realization of operations of collection, transmission, accumulation and processing of information on the basis of hardware and software support is substantiated.
Conclusion. Creation of a highly effective hotel and restaurant economy plays an important role as one of the priority directions of the structural reorganization of the tourism industry and the economy of the state. In order to promote the adequacy of managerial decisions in relation to the development and implementation of the company’s restaurant and hotel industry strategy, as well as increase the awareness of employees, it is necessary to know the tendencies of the development of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry in general, to understand the processes taking place in the industry today. Taking into account international trends is an important step towards a highly developed competitive hotel and restaurant business as a component of the tourism industry in Ukraine.
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