
Tetyana Pimonenko
Olena Chygryn
Oleksii Lyulyov


The paper deals with the analysis of the main preconditions to develop the strategy of the green brand promotion with the purpose to attract additional green investment to the company's development. In this case, the authors allocated the main features of green investment which should be taken into account during the developing of the marketing program to promote the green brand of the company. The authors identified the main approaches to define the meaning of a green brand. Thus, in the paper, the authors defined the green brand as the unique symbols, signs, words or combinations of them which developed the green imagination about the company which operations correspond to the sustainable development goals. In the paper, the authors allocated the main drivers of the green brand as follows: green brand equity, green trust and green satisfaction. Besides, green brand equity has a mediating role between green trust and green satisfaction. With the purpose to increase the efficiency of the marketing program to promote green brand the authors generalized the main principals which should be considered by the companies. The authors highlighted that using greenwashing lead to the huge reputation loses. Besides, greenwashing decreases the level of trust to the green brand among stakeholders of the green investment market. The authors proposed to solve the abovementioned problem through the publication in free access to the nonfinancial report by the company on a regular basis. In addition, it should be obligatory and to control by the government. In the paper, the theoretical basis of the linking between sustainability, green brand perception and company policy performance was identified by the authors.




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