
Volodymyr Zanora


Introduction. The innovative development of domestic enterprises is a topical issue, attracting the attention of scientists and specialists. Among its many aspects, a separate analysis deserves the features of ensuring innovative development in Ukraine, the problems that prevent domestic enterprises from developing.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to elaborate the theoretical basis for managing the innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine, taking into account the trends inherent in Industry 4.0.

Results. It is noted that the development of enterprises is directly related to their potential, which is its foundation. The main features of the economic model of Ukraine, which influence and determine the possibility of development of domestic enterprises, are systematized. It is noted that given the European integration processes in Ukraine, among the factors affecting the development of Ukrainian enterprises, it is important to consider the goals of sustainable development. A number of technologies that enterprises use taking into account Industry 4.0 are presented. The concept of the formation of the innovative system of the enterprise is formed taking into account the influence of Industry 4.0 and the paradigm of sustainable development.

Originality.   The concept of formation of an innovative enterprise system with the influence of Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Development has been developed. In such a case, the innovation system must take into account the need to harmonize components such as economic, social and environmental. Given the impact of Industry 4.0, it is important to take into account modern technologies, including Internet of Things and Services, cyber physical systems, industrial automation, continuous connectivity and information, cybersecurity, intelligent robotics, product lifecycle management, semantic technologies, industrial big data and computational vision.

Conclusion. Domestic enterprises in particular need investment in human capital for its first, preservation, and secondly, development. Investments in human capital and its development are the key to the success of the enterprise. Professional management of human capital will provide opportunities for ensuring its economic security, efficient implementation of economic activity, increase of financial capital, etc. Human capital is the main driving force behind Ukraine's innovative development, which is able to provide it with a flexible transition and development in the rapid changes that characterize Industry 4.0. The critical changes at the state level, which are to de-oligarchize the country, to ensure the proper conditions for carrying out educational activity by higher education institutions, in particular, to minimize the procedures governing business conduct, to determine the priority of solving the problems of industrialization, to increase the social standard etc. should be considered separately.




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