
Olena Kovalova


Introduction. The development of the agrarian sector in modern economies is globally linked to the need to implement the ideology of sustainable development as a strategic model of socio-economic entry into the future. We consider it reasonable to consider the factor of sustainable development in the regulatory actions of the state in relation to various spheres of life, in particular, regarding the development and implementation of concepts of structural policy for the development of the agricultural sector. For Ukraine, this formulation of the problem is actualized by the national peculiarities of the place of the agrarian complex in the mechanism of formation of national welfare.

Purpose. To substantiate the conceptual strategic priorities of the structural policy of sustainable development of the agrarian sector of the economy, taking into account the national and regional aspects.

Results. Priorities of structural policy in institutional support of development of agrarian sector in Ukraine and mechanisms and instruments for their implementation have been established. The priorities include the formation of mechanisms of interaction between the state and business, the development of a system of agricultural advisory services, the development of agriculture and small-scale agrarian business, the creation of an effective system of cooperation, the introduction of instruments for regulation of the agro-food market adapted to domestic realities, the formation of an effective market infrastructure and accessible system. The institutional framework for implementing these priorities is reflected in a number of legislative and programmatic documents. The necessity to implement a structural policy towards applying the concept of competitive advantage of regions is substantiated. For indicative assessment of such opportunities and directly in building a model of sustainable development, we propose to form the agrarian profile of the region.

Originality. It is offered as an information basis for the formation of structural agrarian policy of introduction of agrarian profile of the region - assessment of potential and competencies that are related to the process of organization and implementation of agribusiness: structure of gross production; species characteristics of crops grown in the field of crop and animal husbandry; the share in the total production of dominant crops of national exports; natural and climatic conditions of production; development of the processing sector and infrastructure of the agricultural market; personnel potential.

Conclusion. Successful implementation of the measures of the state-defined structural policy to ensure quality socio-economic transformations is possible only under the condition of systematic stimulation of innovative development, and in the strategic dimension - introduction of an innovative model of industry functioning. Therefore, in the sectoral view, structural policy and its economic mechanism should organizationally provide for structural transformations towards the innovation of the industry and the sectors related to it. The key to the noted effectiveness should be the development and practical implementation of the conceptual strategic priorities of structural policy adapted to Ukrainian realities.




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