
Vasyl Zbarskyi
Viktoriia Ovadenko


The most urgent issues of the state and prospects of socio-economic development of rural areas, agriculture and rural areas are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the situation of the peasants, the organization of rural territorial communities, the use of the labor potential of the village as a condition for its prospective development. The current state of development of the national agrarian sector of Ukraine is characterized by the special importance of the social sphere of the village, the contribution to its development of small forms of economy, which in the national legal field, scientific and statistical literature are defined as personal peasant and farms, small rural enterprises, households, etc. Ensuring the development of small forms of economic activity in the system of agricultural formations is an important component of the effective functioning of the domestic agricultural sector as a component of the national economic system. In turn, this necessitates the analysis of the peculiarities of the use of available resource potential, as well as the results of economic activity of representatives of this group of farmers. However, due to the use of intensive agro-technologies, a large proportion of rural residents are deprived of employment opportunities, leading to further rural degradation, complications in demographics, and reduced life expectancy.




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