Introduction. Nowadays one of the main problems of Ukrainian enterprises is the large number of analog products and companies that provide the same services. The level of competition has long since shifted from quality competition to competition, which is not significantly affected by marketing preferences. Consumers are increasingly guided by the additional criteria created by air-conditioning marketing, sales promotion or loyalty programs when choosing products and services. In this context, the important need to implement an effective system of marketing research for these cooperatives on the basis of complexity and continuity.
Purpose. The main purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual and categorical apparatus for managing the marketing research system and to study the main factors that influence the choice of a marketing agency by real and potential clients.
Results. The article describes the basic concepts associated with the marketing research system. The stages of marketing research are revealed and each of them is disclosed in detail. The data (foreign experience) that characterize the goals of marketing research for their individual areas and methods of their implementation are presented. The dynamics of the market of market researches in Ukraine was investigated. The chaotic choice of consumer choice of a another product (service) in the market is emphasized and the structure of marketing research orders is created.
Originality. Realized in the systematization of the factors that affect the leaders of small and medium-sized businesses in the process of forming demand agency for marketing research.
Conclusion. Studies have shown that the market for marketing research has a negative order level compared to last year. This is due to the fact that Ukraine is currently facing a difficult socio-political and economic situation. In general, the market for marketing services relies on the budgets of customers, but due to the political situation in the country, it has reduced the scope of its work. In this regard, the primary goal of all marketing agencies should be to increase their economic performance and to attract more and more new markets. To do this, they need to use modern research methods and marketing channels. Today, the market for market research is experiencing an increase in the share of sociological companies, which, without changing their specialization, are trying to pay more attention to marketing research. Agencies that mainly specialize in B2B create as many customer relationship channels as possible. They conduct surveys, surveys and open call centers. There is a diversification of the research market while retaining companies of their specialization and specificity. Thus, there is an activation of agencies in the performance of their work: the attraction of new research methods, STP, etc. Such demand is characterized by the relatively low cost of such research, however, there is a clear tendency to expand the range of services in the field of individual orders.
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підпис П.І.Б. автора
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