Introduction. In the last decade, the sphere of services, in particular, tourism and the hotel and restaurant sphere, has been developing rapidly in Ukraine and in the world. And as well known, the human factor occupies a leading place in it. In the success of the hotel and restaurant business and tourism, it is necessary to strengthen the personnel component, which requires adequate investment in the formation of high motivation of the staff. This is relevant for the activities of hotels and restaurants in Ukraine, where the traditional underestimation of motivational factors impede the provision of a high level of competence of employees, mastering modern knowledge and the latest technologies for providing quality services. The above leads to the need to develop more sophisticated methodology of forming motivation of staff in hospitality and tourism.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop methodological foundations for the formation of staff motivation, to deepen the scientific and methodological aspects of its research and to develop proposals for applied content taking as an example of hotel and restaurant business and tourism.
Results. The article identifies current problems in the activity of enterprises, which correlate with the lack of motivation of staff. Personnel motivation is, on the one hand, a manifestation of employees' internal motivation, that is, a reflection of a set of motives for work behavior that are formed under the influence of conscious personal needs, values, human interests, and on the other hand, motivation is at the same time the result of a strong or weak external motivation. influences from the enterprise, region, country. The factors of formation of staff motivation on the basis of attracting expert evaluations of managers of hotels and restaurants of Cherkasy region are revealed. This made it possible to determine that the motivation of the staff is formed mainly under the influence of a set of such factors (by priority): corporate culture, professional education, career, economy, technical organization, social level, financial-investments, information. At the same time, the use of the method of estimation of the staff satisfaction with the motivational conditions in the enterprise (based on the questionnaire) made it possible to find out that from the positions of employees the priority of the main motivators is something different: these are, first of all, remuneration of work, conditions of work organization, conditions of professional development and career growth, which should be followed by hotel and restaurant management. In the conditions of crisis in most enterprises and decrease of the level of motivation of the personnel it is recommended to increase the attention of managers to improve the system of remuneration taking into account the types of work, their volume, quality, introduction of incentives (bonuses) for mastering new knowledge, skills, development of initiatives and innovations that enhance services, and to learn the best experience in the industry (for example, the experience of the Optima Hotel in Cherkasy).
Originality. The specific motivation of the staff on the basis of the results of diagnostics of employee satisfaction with the motivational conditions on the example of hotels of Cherkasy region is revealed. The concept of "motivation of staff in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business and tourism" is offered as a dynamic characteristic of the level of efforts of employees to fulfill the set tasks, which directly affects the quality of customer service, acquisition of new competences, communication skills, obtaining economic, social, environmental and innovative effects from the activities of the hotel and restaurant business and tourism. Suggestions for increasing staff motivation were developed. It is revealed that the formation of staff motivation in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business and tourism is a dynamic and multifactorial process that affects the efficiency of the industry.
Conclusion. The sphere of hotel and restaurant business and tourism of Ukraine is developing, although there is a lag behind the European standards of quality of hospitality services. The importance of this issue is growing significantly at the stage of European integration processes. The article identifies the current problems of the enterprises, which correlate with the lack of motivation of the staff. The interpretation of the concept of "staff motivation in the field of hotel and restaurant business and tourism" is offered. The factors of formation of staff motivation are revealed. The specific motivation of the staff on the basis of the results of diagnostics of employee satisfaction with the motivational conditions on the example of hotels of Cherkasy region is revealed. Proposals have been developed to increase the motivation of the staff in order to increase the efficiency of this sector in Ukraine.
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