
Viktoriia OVADENKO


Introduction. The state of the non-alcoholic beverage market in Ukraine requires companies to form a demand not only to establish constructive relations with customers, dealers and suppliers, but also to work closely with the public, ie to form a circle of interested potential consumers, while strictly adhering to the principles of corporate social responsibility.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the main aspects of corporate social responsibility of Obolon PJSC on the basis of the requirements of the international standard ISO 26000: 2010 “Guidance on social responsibility”, to develop the socio-economic characteristics of PJSC “Obolon”, to form a system of measures for corporate social responsibility of Obolon PJSC in order to ensure a positive image of the company.

Methods. To achieve this goal, methods were used: analysis and synthesis (to study the processes of corporate solidarity), statistical (to analyze the main aspects of corporate social responsibility based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 26000: 2010), comparative analysis (to analyze the quality and safety management systems food), empirical (on a comprehensive assessment of the current state of corporate joint and several liability at Obolon PJSC) and abstract-logical (for generalization conclusions and formulating proposals).

Results. In the course of the study of corporate solidarity responsibility of Obolon PJSC, the understanding that it should meet the interests and needs of society was revealed. Responsible for the quality of its work, adhering to corporate standards, cost-effective and efficient use of resources, and maintaining the cleanliness of the environment, the company is responsible to consumers, staff, society and other stakeholders.

Originality. The stages of development of theoretical understanding and extension of the thematic framework of the phenomenon "corporate social responsibility" are considered. The influence of corporate social responsibility practices on the socio-economic development of organizations is revealed. The factors that determine the impact of this public institute on the socio-economic development of organizations are investigated. The tendencies of development of the theory of corporate social responsibility and lessons for practice of social activity are separated. Obolon PJSC's specific data analyzes the main aspects of corporate social responsibility on the basis of the requirements of the international standard ISO 26000: 2010 Guidelines on social responsibility. The socio-economic characteristics of Obolon PJSC have been formed. The main directions of corporate social responsibility, the status and effectiveness of activities for ensuring corporate social responsibility of Obolon PJSC are analyzed.

Conclusion. The main internal and external stakeholders of Obolon PJSC have been identified and communication tools have been developed to influence them. A detailed analysis of compliance with all components of corporate social responsibility in Obolon PJSC is carried out. The system of measures on formation of corporate social responsibility of Obolon PJSC is offered in order to ensure a positive image of the enterprise. It is established that Obolon PJSC is a socially responsible company that strictly adheres to the principles of corporate social responsibility in its daily activities.




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