


Introduction. Globalization of the economic space provides a great opportunity for the technological and innovative integration of domestic business entities into the international value chain production chains. However, such processes also carry a number of threats and require close monitoring of the state in part of the ensuring economic security policy in the formation of an intellectual-oriented economy as an effective direction for the public administration implementation. This leads to the development of a state policy of structural change in the direction of building an intellectual-oriented economy.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to justify the state policy of structural changes in the direction of building an intellectual-oriented economy.

Methods. In the course of the research, general economic methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely: analysis, induction, deduction, synthesis, etc., and also the system approach was used.

Results. As modern forms of globalization in the context of intellectual-oriented economy can distinguish phenomena such as international movement of technology and knowledge-based capital; active development of relations in the field of intellectual property rights, innovative goods and services; strengthening of migration qualifications; international scientific and technical cooperation; creation of research institutions of joint financing, etc. One of the prerequisites for the development of international economic systems is globalization, the objective and all-encompassing nature of which necessitates the study of the impact of this phenomenon on the functioning of national economic systems and individual trends in the development of international economic relations. Building an effective structural policy on the basis of the intellectual economy is to find the optimal balance of national and international interests, as today one of the successful international cooperation key factors is the geopolitical situation and its impact on global markets. Considering the preconditions for strengthening the influence of intellectual potential as an integral component of the development of the economy and the object of structural policy, we must understand the leading role in this process of technology of exchange and dissemination of information. That ICT and other technological innovations that were derived from the first. Among the mechanisms aimed at ensuring structural changes in the direction of the intellectual-oriented economy, it should be noted the need to form an effective innovative mechanism for structuring the national economy, which is a set of certain tools and tools for regulating the scale and intensity of innovation activities, covering a wide range of subjects, and namely: public authorities, scientific and technical and educational institutions (research institutes, institutions of higher education, research universities, scientific parks, technoparks, technopolises, etc.) and subjects of market infrastructure (innovative enterprises, collective investment funds, venture funds, financial and credit institutions etc.). Taking into account the existing structural constraints on establishing the intellectual orientation of the domestic economic system, one can distinguish the following directions of development of an effective innovative mechanism for structuring the national economy: ensuring effective regulatory and legal regulation of innovation activity as a prerequisite for the development of a stable institutional field of the state; forming areas of innovation development at the legislative level, avoiding their formalization; the implementation of an effective foreign trade policy aimed at protecting the interests of domestic entrepreneurs - subjects of foreign economic activity and stimulating the development of export-oriented high-tech industries; intensifying inflow of foreign capital through the use of fiscal stimulus tools; simplifying bureaucratic procedures and creating the proper infrastructure for a full innovation cycle of goods; development of effective approaches to sectoral and regional development policy reform in order to overcome the existing structural dysfunctions and development constraints; promotion of individual entrepreneurial activity of the population and support of small and medium innovative entrepreneurship.

Originality. The scientific novelty of this study is that taking into account the precondition of the evolutionary transition from the industrial development of national economies to postindustrial, the necessity of building an intellectual-oriented economy is substantiated, which will be facilitated by the proposed innovative mechanism of structuring the national economy, which, unlike existing ones, takes into account the importance of information and communication technologies for the development of an intellectual-oriented economy and the modern forms of manifestation of globalization in the context of the consideration of the intellectual-oriented economy.

Conclusion. The key areas for developing an intellectual-oriented economy are to stimulate structural changes by attracting an innovative mechanism and effective policy to develop intellectual potential. In this case, the key tasks of the state structural policy should be: forming a stable institutional and legal environment, development of economic incentives for innovation business development and intellectual capacity, protect the interests of domestic producers as the foundation of economic security.




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