Introduction. The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the regulation of remuneration in the context of personnel security, as the transformation processes occurring in the context of globalization and European integration raise new requirements for the personnel management system, enterprise, national economy. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of market development the most significant changes occur in the social and labor sphere.
Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to investigate and formulate conceptual approaches to regulating remuneration in the context of personnel security.
Methods. The methodological toolkit of the study was: the system of economic laws, concepts and categories, the fundamental provisions of modern economic theory and applied economics. The general methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method and the systematic approach method, the abstract-logical complex approach, the analysis and evaluation of their interrelation; analysis and synthesis. The subject of the study was the regulation of remuneration in the context of personnel security, since it is this process that contributes to the socio-economic development of enterprises.
Results. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to the solution of the problem of regulation of remuneration in the context of personnel security showed that Ukrainian and foreign scientists investigated the issues of remuneration and personnel security, but in modern conditions it became necessary to define the conceptual principles of regulation of remuneration precisely in the context of ensuring personnel security. The research of this question is carried out in the following logical sequence: definition of results, formation of the main tasks, directions of regulation of remuneration in the context of ensuring of personnel security, formation of conceptual approaches depending on the personnel policy and stages of the life cycle of the enterprise, determination of external factors that significantly influence the regulation of remuneration work in the context of ensuring personnel security.
Originality. The article substantiates the conceptual principles of pay regulation in the context of personnel security, which comprehensively take into account the areas of remuneration regulation, defined by the legislation of Ukraine, and priorities of human security, and contribute to the formation of decent pay, effective use of staff, social protection, professional and interpersonal , safety of life and improvement of quality of working life of employees
Conclusion. Conceptual approaches to regulation of remuneration in the context of personnel security, which are aimed at eliminating threats to personnel security, formed depending on the types of personnel policy and on the stages of life of the enterprise. that will contribute to the formation of decent pay, competitive staff, personnel security, competitiveness of the enterprise.
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