Introduction. In the conditions of transformation of market relations, deepening of processes of globalization and European integration, increase of scale of economic turnover is complication of functions of sphere of commodity circulation. In this regard, the scientific search for the creation of effective mechanisms and systems of promotion of goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption is intensified. Special attention should be paid to the approaches to the formation of the mechanism of activation of sale of goods in distribution systems with the coordinated participation of its participants. The attitude of a person to work is created under the influence of external and internal factors. The employee, being involved in the production process, obeys its rules and laws inherent in the production environment. On the other hand, he, as an active and relatively autonomous agent of the enterprise, makes independent decisions, selects alternative lines of behavior. The most effective labor return from an employee can be expected only if the conditions for unidirectionality, coincidence of the goals and objectives of the enterprise of a certain branch with the personal goals of the employee are created.
The purpose of this article is to identify the basics of customer engagement in the context of increased sales of goods at distribution system enterprises.
Results. The article discusses the basics of activating the sale of goods in the distribution system. Certain requirements for interaction with clients in the context of activation of sales of goods are proposed: directions, principles, components. Directions of interaction with clients are formed, which are based on the following stages: preparation of sales, preparation of meeting, coordination of meeting, sale, service and development. Identified external and internal motivators that help ensure the effective activity of employees and the enterprise. The directions of development of the advanced training system have been formed, which will contribute to the professional and intellectual development of the staff, the expansion of his erudition and the circle of communication, creativity and creativity, formation of leadership qualities.
Originality. The process of interaction with customers in the context of activation of sales of goods in the distribution system in this article is considered comprehensively, taking into account the following: the mechanism of merchandising in the context of activation of sales of goods in the distribution system, properties of the distribution system, features of actions of sales staff when applying the method of "active sales", with customers, an organization of work, an effective system of motivation and training.
Conclusion. Thus, on the basis of the stated opinions, we have grounded directions of interaction with customers, determined the peculiarities of actions of sales personnel, formed the system of work organization, identified internal and external factors of material and moral incentives for effective work, formed the main directions of development of the training system in the context of sales activation goods in the distribution system, which will promote both the competitiveness of staff and the competitiveness of enterprises operating in the distribution system.
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підпис П.І.Б. автора
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