
Nataliya Ryzhenko
Alina Proschalykina


Introduction. World and national experience in using renewable energy sources confirms that at the present stage of development, an independent sector of the agricultural economy is being intensively formed - bioenergy, which assumes the production of solid, liquid, gaseous fuels on the basis of biomass processing, including agricultural wastes; thermal and electrical energy; environmentally friendly biofertilizer. A positive aspect of the use of biomass is its almost annual renewal and availability in the main regions of agricultural production. The importance of waste from the agricultural sector in the energy sector is confirmed by comparing its bioenergy potential with the volume of consumption by the industry of petroleum products, electricity and natural gas.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions of efficient use of biomass energy for ensuring the sustainable development of bioenergy in Ukraine.

Results. The forecasting of bioenergy production in Ukraine is maintained while maintaining the current trends of its growth compared to the forecasted indicators of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine and the possibilities of achieving the planned indicators are determined. Possibilities and threats of bioenergy development in Ukraine are identified. The threats to the development of bioenergy in Ukraine are significant, which requires measures to eliminate them in the conduct of state policy. The priority should be to accelerate the development and adoption by the state of a transparent legislative framework and relevant by-laws that will promote the development of national renewable energy, including bioenergy, and the non-discriminatory access of RES facilities to centralized grids. Measures should be taken to stimulate the economic development of RES and bioenergy: maintain an effective pricing policy for bioenergy products; introduce a system of tax breaks and preferential credits for producers; develop direct budget support mechanisms for innovative projects in this area.

Originality. The advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the development of the bioeconomy in Ukraine are determined. The forecast of bioenergy production in Ukraine is made and the possibilities of achieving the planned indicators of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine are substantiated.

Conclusion. Bioenergy resources should be used efficiently through the use of environmentally sound, technically feasible, economically feasible and socially acceptable measures. This is the scientific concept of energy saving in agroindustrial complex, for the implementation of which the investment and technical policy, the system of government management should be aimed.




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