


Introduction. Target priorities for accomplishing resource conservation tasks in agriculture require conceptual framework in order to determine the driving principles of taking effective measures in practice. As the problem of resource conservation is rather complicated, the implementation of resource conservation policy involves overcoming a number of existing organizational and economic problems, which updates the topic of the research.

The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of implementing Zero Waste principles in the resource conservation mechanism in agriculture.

Results. Basic concepts and theoretical models of resource conservation have been considered. The focus is on the Zero Waste concept, which involves: zero discharge, zero emission, and waste reduction to zero. The downside of the Zero Waste concept is that it focuses mainly on the environmental parameters of investing in the resource conservation technologies, while the enterprise is primarily interested in the profits from them. The author proves the necessity for expanding the concept line with a specific to the agrarian complex concept of organic farming based on the agrobiological concept of farming. The place of organic agriculture in the system of multifunctional resource conservation agrarian production and ways of achieving the main goals of resource conservation organic farming are presented.

Originality. Taking into account the effectiveness of the concepts of introduction of resource conservation systems of management it was proved that the main task is making scientific and technological advances in agriculture, as well as developing and implementing the mechanisms for the introduction of their elements, which in the future should change the concept underlying the resource conservation economy. The author has systematized the elements of the economic mechanism of resource conservation, the role of which is to create an environment for the interaction of the key components of agriculture in the system of the efficient resource conservation production. The experience of developing an effective practice of resource conservation in agriculture was generalized and the principles of harmonization of the management system were defined. A model scheme of the economic mechanism of resource conservation in agriculture has been developed, based on four subsystems that reflect the sources and target directions of the information, tangible and intangible flows: innovation field, functional basis (market environment and resource base), production subsystem (crop production and animal husbandry),as well as the strategic core of the management system. It is proved that a prerequisite for the development of the system of agricultural resource use is availability of an appropriate functional basis, provided by the solvent demand from the market environment, and an appropriate resource potential of a natural origin, to create economically advantageous conditions for the development of agriculture. It is the needs of the market environment that are decisive in shaping the conditions of establishing and developing relevant agricultural sectors in  the region concerned. The resource potential appears to be an appropriate equalizer of competitive conditions, providing economic entities with a margin of economic strength in shaping their competitiveness. Using the proposed architecture, the scheme of the mechanism of resource conservation in agriculture in the innovative field of the Zero Waste concept was devised.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the management of resource conservation in agriculture should take into account the general principle of nature management; the principle of replacing material and energy resources with intellectual and organizational ones; the principle of interconnectedness and synchronization of processes; the principle of the proportionality of the processes of evolutionary and revolutionary approaches in the innovative provision of resource conservation processes; the principle of the need to ensure the long-term and systematic development and build-up of resources, their transformation into knowledge and their effective management, forming the basis of the proposed mechanism of resource conservation in agriculture in the innovative framework of the Zero Waste concept.




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