Introduction. Many businesses rely on advertising to drive more customers, but the cost of a
persistent advertising presence can be huge for some businesses, so they look for ways to reduce and reduce
their advertising costs. In order to avoid unnecessary costs, you need to properly allocate your advertising
budget. Advertising is usually expensive and its impact is not always what the company wants. First of all,
cost optimization measures are used to reduce the so-called non-strategic costs and thus increase efficiency
and profit for the company. Therefore, the issue of optimizing the value of advertising for businesses is really
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to consider and identify the most effective methods of
determining advertising costs that deserve the attention of everyone involved in solving this difficult task.
Results. The article describes the importance of advertising and its costs in the enterprise. The concept
of advertising costs is revealed and the essence of the methods of determining the optimal advertising budget
is disclosed. Here are some ways to help keep your advertising costs down while maintaining your
performance. The essence of advertising on social networks Facebook and Instagram is described. Consider
the example of TAS Insurance Group PJSC marketing budget performance and efficiency.
Originality. These are the ways that help you reduce your advertising costs while maintaining your
effectiveness, and look at the performance and effectiveness of your marketing budget using the example of
TAS Insurance Group (private).
Conclusion. The results of this study show that there are many methods to help you find the right
advertising budget for your business that will not lose customers and spend money on advertising.
Advertising has a big influence on the choice of a product or service, so it is important to find an advertising
budget that is profitable and not a wasted expense. There are many ways to help reduce your advertising
costs while maintaining your effectiveness. The most optimal option is to advertise on social networks
Facebook and Instagram, because it is cheaper compared to others and effective because most of the time
consumers spend on these networks.
In this regard, businesses can advertise on social networks, they help in generating consumer interest
in the product, to bring the main benefits of the product to consumers. The key to a successful advertising
campaign is to ensure that your target audience is optimally reached and that several advertising tools are
competently combined.
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____________________ ___________________
підпис П.І.Б. автора
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