


The development of a knowledge-based economy is a powerful impetus for structural changes in the labor market that are associated with the intensive diffusion and introduction of innovation into production processes. In this regard, the necessary condition for the stable functioning of the economic system is the adaptation of public relations in the field of employment to the requirements of the market of innovative technologies. The purpose of this article is to develop a universal model of state regulation of employment transformation in the context of innovative economic development, taking into account the experience of conducting employment policy of Ukraine and EU countries. Accordingly, the objectives of the study are: to consider the theoretical aspects of employment transformation in an innovative economy; to compare key indicators reflecting the level of innovative employment of the population in Ukraine and the EU countries; to propose recommendations for the creation of a universal model of state regulation of the employment transformation under the influence of innovation. The practical significance of the recommendations made in the study results from the possibility of their use in the process of public policy development, which contains specific measures and directions of improving public relations in the labor market in the context of innovation employment transformation.




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