Introduction. The market of organic agricultural products in Ukraine is developing dynamically. Organic products are specific not only in terms of resources, technologies, quality characteristics, but also in terms of demand formation, pricing policy, promotion, sales. The transition of agricultural enterprises to organic production necessitates the formation of an effective management system, organization of production, sale of high quality products to meet the needs of consumers. Peculiarities of marketing policy of organic agricultural products producers of in Ukraine are revealed. The peculiarities of marketing planning taking into account the specific of organic products are revealed. The peculiarities of the marketing complex of organic producers are considered.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the marketing policy of organic agricultural products producers in Ukraine.
Results. The market of organic agricultural products in Ukraine is in its active formation, which necessitates the development of a specific marketing policy for producers of these products. The set of motives for the consumption of organic goods differs from other countries. If domestic consumers set high standards for the appearance of products and following the trends of healthy eating, then in Europe the health benefits and the availability of quality guarantees for organic products come first. The specifics of the stages of planning the marketing policy of organic producers are considered: the choice of the company's mission taking into account the capabilities of the internal environment; choice of market segment; development of a marketing complex. Given the stages of formation of marketing policy, measures are proposed within the marketing complex for product, price, sales and promotion of organic products.
Originality. The types of strategies for the sale of organic products, which are based on the main channels of its sale, are generalized: the strategy of entering the foreign market, the strategy of indirect sales, the strategy of combined sales and the strategy of direct sales. Each of these strategies is characterized by specific means of promoting goods and bringing them to the consumer. Given the ratio of sales of organic goods within the country and their exports, it should be noted that domestic producers mainly use the strategy of entering foreign markets. When using it, the main channel for the sale of environmentally friendly goods is export.
Conclusion. Successful formation of marketing strategies for the sale of organic products by domestic enterprises should be based on an understanding of the specifics of products and the market in which it will be sold. The peculiarities of the development of these strategies also provide a description of producers and potential consumers of environmentally friendly certified products, which allows you to more accurately predict scenarios for the development of enterprises in the developed areas.
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