Introduction. The article gives the general impression about the results of an assessment and forecast of the land relations model in Ukraine institutional development. In the study it is determined that the fundamental platform of agrarian relations is the connection of form of land ownership, the land relations themselves and the nature and methods of use of agricultural land.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to make an assessment and to give the forecast of the model of land relations in Ukraine institutional development.
Results. The results of the study proved that the implementation of land reform in Ukraine is aimed at transforming the state and collective property into private one and at forming on this basis a more effective socio-economic relations system with a high motivational mechanism for operation and a stable system of responsibility for its consequences. The result of the reform is determined as the aggravation of the issue of institutionalization of relations between the effective owner and land manager. The development level of the existing institutional support for the rural land use system formation is analyzed.
Originality. As a result of the study process it was found out that there was no improvement of land relations in agricultural production, because of the peasant has no opportunities for an effective use of his privately owned land (share) and is left alone in the fight against social and demographic village degradation; because of the state has legally blocked the largest segment of the land market - agricultural land turnover, which is 45.7% of the state land area; because of the mortgage lending mechanism which is one of the most important investment sources in the system of land ownership does not actually work and is used only to non-agricultural land; because of the situation when no effective land payment mechanism has been created, which significantly underestimates the value of land tax in the state taxation system, etc.
Conclusion. In the study it is proved that the legal basis for the land reform finish should be the modern Land Code, as a fundamentally new, codified legal act, which would not only form the modern land relations with adaptation to world norms, but also renew the rules of good neighborliness, land consolidation, single inheritance, intensified economic circulation, introduce economic sanctions and incentives for the land preservation and protection, institutionally form the state regulatory system of fullness land turnover in Ukraine using the mechanisms of the land economy.
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