


Introduction. Tourism policy, as the purposefulness of public, community and private institutions' activity, focused on ensuring the effective functioning of all structural units at the tourism industry, is presented quite gravely, including the humanitarian component, which is designed to provide a certain ideological and semantic content to this industry. After all, tourism is not only one of the economic activity areas that brings profits, it is not just a form of leisure, for recreation, sanitation or entertainment – international tourism can and should become a peculiar form of public diplomacy, a way of representing our country in the world. This is important because a positive image ultimately works as a lobbyist, including for the economy.

Purpose. The article considers and analyzes the elements of humanitarian direction, laid down in the thematic state document adopted in 2017 by the Ukrainian Government entitled Strategy for the development of tourism and resorts until 2026”.

Results. It was found that the only effective way to solve all the problems in the field of tourism development is a strategically oriented state policy, which should implement mechanisms and measures that will ensure the successful progress of this industry. Only the coordinating role of public bodies, as well as public-private partnership, organization of scientific research, improvement of legislation, creation of a favorable business climate and ensuring conditions of fair competition, combined with adaptation of our domestic legislation to international standards will jointly prepare conditions for our country's popularization around the globe and promotion of quality tourist products in the world information space. Tourism is important as a potentially highly profitable sector of the economy. That at the same time encourages the revitalization and activation of number of related sectors and industries, in particular, the development of infrastructure objects; prompts the need to protect the environment, urges improving the quality and environmental cleanliness of food, accelerates development of network trade, contributes to the growth of demand for intellectual and cognitive products, etc.

Originality. The modern world, which is extremely full of standardized information content, constantly provokes the erosion of certain national and cultural entities. Humankind is increasingly internationalized in tastes and preferences, and this is the process of globalization of culture. At the same time, national identity, cultural uniqueness, and the artistic phenomenal nature of individual peoples, cultural regions, or small national communities are increasingly being lost and marginalized. Tourism policy, in these circumstances, is now a real chance and can be an effective means to revive and give new strength to the authentic national culture, to support the national original arts. All this is important, because the bearer of another cultural environment (actually, a foreign tourist) can be most attracted to entities that would be clear to him in content and would look unusual in form.

Conclusion. Preserving the distinctive features of our national culture, and even more so, to represent at a decent level of cultural treasures as a brand in the field of international tourism is possible only with properly organized promotion and financial support. That is why tourism policy should not be based solely on economic gain, but must include a humanitarian component. After all, elements of national culture can also be commercialized to a certain extent, but setting such a goal as the main task is extremely incorrect. And the respect of European peoples to the samples of their national cultures should serve as an example and a guide for us.




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